And decent antenna systems. I'm now using a 3 element delta, horizontally polarised about 18 feet up, with a reasonably good take-off to the south-east. That's about as good as it's going to get round here.
I distinctly remember, in SOTA days, a session from the High Willhays, Dartmoor. In those days, we drove down overnight. I'd left the family sleeping in the car to go for a walk with the dog:
Date:31/Jul/2004 Summit:G/DC-001 (High Willhays) Call Used:M0DEV/P Points: 4 Bonus: 0
Time | Call | Band | Mode | Notes |
07:10z | G0FGW | 144MHZ | FM | Chippenham |
07:12z | G4NRG | 144MHZ | FM | Wayne, Kidderminster |
07:20z | M3GLF | 144MHZ | FM | Burnham on Crouch |
07:25z | M3RBU | 144MHZ | FM | Winchester |
07:27z | G7RRQ | 144MHZ | FM | Salisbury |
07:28z | M3PBS | 144MHZ | FM | Weymouth |
07:30z | G0IMM | 144MHZ | FM | IOW |
07:31z | G4TKF | 144MHZ | FM | Devizes |
07:35z | GW1MCD | 144MHZ | FM | Cwmbran |
07:39z | G0DUQ | 144MHZ | FM | Cannock |
07:42z | MW0AIE | 144MHZ | FM | Pembrokeshire |
07:43z | M3FHI | 144MHZ | FM | Essex |
07:45z | M3RSF | 144MHZ | FM | Dudley, W Mids |
07:50z | M3VXR | 144MHZ | FM | Northampton |
So, I'm expecting rather better than this, sometime.
FCD = FUNcube Dongal
ReplyDelete73 de John G4SMX
Ah yes, of course. TYVM!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the DX.